Nuclear fusion is a tremendously complex and vast domain. Reading Evgeny Valentinovich’s article we have discovered a whole universe – that of nuclear physics. I was amazed at the complexity of the information and the technical solutions found by the eminent Russian physicist. The passion for nuclear physics has slowly taken the place of my other passions – chess and fishing. Practically overnight, I became a dreamer – bewitched by the beauty of physics and the incredible complexity of the Universe that surrounds us. And despite the fact that I am not even so young and without any special training, I started on a very difficult and difficult road – that of nuclear physics. I gradually started an intensive study.
We realized quite quickly that nuclear physics is actually a multi-disciplinary field and that, to come up with new solutions, knowledge from other sciences should be applied to obtain the first controlled fusion reactions. When you go on the street everything that’s around you is physics and … chemistry. Combining elements in chemistry, optics and physics, we have put together various technical solutions to prime and run a fusion reaction for peaceful purposes.
In my opinion, there is an excessive global accent on electromagnetic accelerators as practical solutions for obtaining transuranic heavy elements – that is what I call the ZETA-X elements. I am also very disappointed with the absolutely ridiculous performances of the current lasers. I have always been looking for new and realistic solutions. Always and always ask questions about the Universe we live in:
Would not it be a much simpler explanation that black matter / energy would be made up of ZETA-X (super heavy) elements about which we know virtually nothing at the moment? Was it BIG-BANG or not? Is not a black hole a “magnet” and a perfect trap for neutrinos? Is gravity an emission of baryonic matter or simply a mere alteration of the continuous space-time due to the gluon fluxes in the nucleons? Is it possible that space-time fabrics can “hold” very large particles like Gibbs’s boson? Should not this boson be quickly absorbed by the space-time continuum with the generation of a virtually undetectable gravitational force? Can a star thought? In this endless Multi-Universe, did not intelligence appear first appear and then Life? Why have no other civilizations, much older than us, come into contact with us yet? Is our civilization too unimportant to them? So “back” to be so? Or in our galaxy there simply is not a civilization far superior to the others? Is God a man, another form of life or simply another form of intelligence sprung from the depths of the Multi-Universe … from the billions of billions of patterns ad-hoc assembled from the space-time continuum? That is, is it simply an entity that transcends space and time, and is it only because He is even space and even time at the same time? What is the future of Humanity? Will we be able to travel among the stars or will our end of all be on this less resource-rich planet and in the end too small to support us? How are thoughts transmitted? By what mechanism are a thought, a feeling, an image, a smell transmitted remotely? HOW is this happening? Are there any unknown mechanisms by which electrons can “interconnect” in a way not yet understood by the fabric of the Q space, which in turn also consists of trans-mutational electrons? How do the future and the past manage to get in the mood and especially how does the human mind sometimes manage to fly without hindrances through the knees of time wherever another human witness is present? Is it a “cage of gold” a proof for all this or a mere dream of a lost mind?
Unfortunately, the extremely limited time of those years has forced me to focus my energy and imagination on practical solutions for more “simple” issues. I am firmly convinced that an experimental physicist is as precious as a theoretician physicist. So I focused primarily on controlled nuclear fusion and I developed a wide range of experiments related to this concept. Honestly being what you will find here on the site is just the “assygger” of experiments imagined by me. We have come to the conclusion that controlled nuclear fusion reactions can also be obtained by other methods:
– Focus of electric light by using various glass arrangements (crystals)
– Use of powerful explosives in intelligent arrangements
– use of reactive screens, etc.
Through intelligent, realistic and complex arrangements, energy for example – just using the energy (about 1 GJ) of 250 Kg TNT can be optically focused on an area of about 4 microns square in an extraordinary short time – about 280 femtoseconds, obtain with conventional means an irradiation of about 1028 W / cm2, ie more than enough intensity to detonate a small amount of virtually any kind of nuclear fuel. In another experiment, practically unimaginable pressures of up to 1014 atmospheres can be obtained after 422 jets of liquid gold are concentrically projected at a speed of over 400 km / s to a small aluminum sphere with a diameter of about 4 mm in the middle of which a blend of pure hydrogen pure ice and nanoscale powder from various transuranic supergroups. (the method that can be found in a variant of the Novaia Zemlea project).
In technical terms we talk:
– either inertial compression (quasi-spherical compression)
– either compression and irradiation (impact detonation)
– or purely pure irradiation (for example a micron layer of diamond is irradiated photonically)
When using classic explosives very short irradiation times can be obtained either by using electric currents with high voltages or voltages or by impacting very high velocities of very thin films – in the order of tens of microns with thin glasses with wide photon transmission (especially UV). And with the Novaia Zemlea project, apparently unimaginable radiation exposures of about 1032 W / cm2 can thus be obtained by fusion of aluminum 27 and / or hydrogen and where the gamma-ray absorbed by the aluminum atoms has a small section.
Why Brancoveanu? Why not Michael the Brave or Stefan cel Mare? There are two aspects here. The first – my mother comes from a village where the church was founded by Prince Constantin Brancoveanu and I basically remained forever in his soul with his memory. The second – I was deeply impressed by the gesture of the great Lord who, in the face of his death and his four sons – Constantine, Stefan, Radu and Matthew, did not fall away from his ancestral belief and was executed by the Ottomans even on the day of St. Mary Great. Some pain in the soul must have lived this great Lord! I especially appreciate the gesture made by the Romanian Church to sanctify the 6 martyrs not being spared alongside Brancoveni nor the Counselor Ianache Vacarescu. I honestly believe that without GOD believe the life of man is a desert and nothing more!
Returning to the topics on this site, I have to mention that as far as the terminology used is concerned, I used the terms “ignited” or “detonated” to describe the primacy of a nuclear fusion reaction, not obviously a classic chemical process of combustion or explosion . An important element for me is getting transuranic elements (ZETA-X elements as I say). I consider them important because some very heavy elements in the Mendeleev table can easily be used in future reactors that can be small, light and high-performance. Sprayed in the form of vapors in the middle of some methane jets some of these very heavy elements can be bombarded by light neutron cannons – the temperature rises and the final mix is used either in ultra-light carbon turbines with ceramic shirts or as final propellers. Being extremely unstable, the very heavy elements are easily fissioned, the large surplus of thermal and rapid neutrons being rapidly absorbed by the methane in the turbine, and heavy residues can have extremely low radioactivity. These elements will be extremely useful for future interplanetary vessels that will use intelligent rotating nozzles designed.
It is becoming increasingly clear that a new generation of experiments is needed to start the stars! Classical rockets are already out of reach! Fusion engines are the key to interplanetary travel! 2-3-year flight times expose crews to huge dangers, some hard to quantify today!
A trip to Mars is NOT really feasible without a fusion engine!
Two fundamental technologies are always found in my projects:
– RECUD technology and
– GEPE – high-powered electric generators with explosive electromagnetic bellows.
For obvious reasons I will not detail these technologies on this site. RECUD technology is used in 2 types of arrangements: ALPAN and ELEKTRAN.
The electrical generators they mention are of four types – all upgraded versions of the three models already known in the media. These generators are called to solve a current problem that is hard to solve – how do we get an electric current of 400 million volts and for less than 1 nanosecond? However, it has been more than 60 years since the eminent Russian scientists created the first generators of this type – would it not be for them to evolve? Let us use this energy to light up the first permanent thermonuclear fire in history!
Can it be kindled and kept such a fire? The answer is yes!
By reading this site you will finally realize that only imagination is the limit of our civilization!
Mihail – 20th of August 2014
Technical considerations on obtaining heavy transuranic elements
My research has not only concerned the BRANCOVEANU Project, but also projects and experiments of great interest regarding mechanisms of initiation of nuclear fusion reactions or of obtaining transuranic heavy elements. Why are these super heavy items so important?
For it is very possible that some of these elements are stable over the long term (years) and at the same time they can easily break down with the release of colossal quantities of energy.
The main design considered is PROIEKT TAIMIR – a super-reactor design where continuous flow transuranic elements can be obtained and intelligently collected using a magnetic field. Due to the fact that this project requires the presentation of mechanisms with undesired applicability I will not present this project in detail.
In principle, we are talking about a reactor capable of producing 174 kg per day of Flerovium 298 (298114Fl), Slavium 318 (318126Sv), Baikalium 544 (544184Bm), Carpathium 598 (598200Cp), Dalmatium 413 (413142 Dl), Leonardium 484 (484164Ld), Suomium 961 (961326 Su), Oerstedium 1089 (1089351Oe), Kamchatkium 504 (504172Km) or Uralium 447 (447154Ul). Photonic guns accelerate both ions and electrons to huge energies to break up the heavy nuclei and turn part of the protons from these nuclei into neutrons. Although they have very short life, the new elements have enough time and space to fuse in the midst of plasma spheres with temperatures up to 40 MeV. At world level, only 5-6 reactors of this kind are enough – the production of ZETA-X elements is sufficient both for the production of the entire energy of humanity and for the interplanetary transport.
The ZETA-X elements are the ones that allow the subsequent experimental development of PROIEKT ESENIN. Capable of developing energy of 800 Tj / kg, these elements can quickly compress the baryonic matter up to the Fermi soup stage by altering the space-time content, irreversibly destroying the QCD fabric and reaching the energies up to a Zev so that a jet of gold ion plasma crossed 40 m in about 7-8 picoseconds. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate that interstellar flight with over-luminous speeds is possible by preventing quarks being repositioned and creating a quark with hundreds of Tev energies – the so-called “shadow-quark” without spin and electric charge and incapable of confining W and where the only fundamental force is gravity. Baryonic material refinement beyond a Fermi-type liquid and immediately afterwards the disintegration of the shadow-quark mass permits the creation of a space-time fabric for about 10-20 picoseconds, where the only energy present is the gravity where the space itself is uni-polar and where any form of space-time tissue moves in one direction. The disintegration of the juice of this new type of quarks leaves behind, for a few decades, an extremely intensive gravitational field where the re-polarization of the gravitons (or the gravitational field) and their disappearance is done in a sufficiently long time for to allow a jet of several relativistic gold atoms to cross this field at super-light speeds.