motto:            Prepare the elites for time which has to come and they will prepare the nations.

1. Just a little bit of history.

2. Description of Q matter/field concept – The 4 laws of Q

3. Final form of the mathematical concept of Anderson & Brill geon and it self-collapsing limit. Developing of practical (technical) methods to achieve and to overwhelm the Hagedorn temperature of the gravitonic field by linking the improved Hořava gravity theory to Q field laws. Advance computation frame Q singularity event – so called Hořava gravitational singularity concept integrated in the 4th law of Q (the mathematical computation of scalar QFT propagator dissolution in Q field)

4. TRINITY scale of civilizations – the adaptation of Kardashev scale of civilizations to existence of Q matter.

5. Experiment POTEMKIN – a 7,200 tons device placed on any Lagrange point is generating for a very brief sequence a geon liner where 45 % of the energy of 101,800 kgs of thermonuclear fuel is transformed onto a very powerful quantum gravitational string (Hořava liner) inside Q matter. The expected pinnacle of energy is around 1047 J/cm3 at the moment of geon collapsing and around 10172 J/cm3 and temperature up to1055 K (equivalent) at the moment of string creation and further expansion of Hořava field as per 3rd law of Q. Thus the baryonic matter is expected to travel at least 10,000 times faster than speed of light inside distorted Q matter by intense Hořava uni-polar expanding field.

Much more advanced experiments (not hereby described nor mentioned) validate the concepts of dipol geon, geon “laser”, the critical mass of endless collapsing and infinite temperature geon as it is defined by the Q singularity theory and the extremely advanced concept of Torma bubble inside Q singularity (endless Q field pairing inside of transmutational non-surfaced geon).

finished at 30th of June 2014 published at 30.06.2019

…………..  will continue ….


4. TRINITY scale of civilizations

If we are taking into consideration the capabilities of a civilization to handle with Q matter we can expand and enrich the Kardashev scale as a method of measuring a civilization’s level of technological advancement to TRINITY scale* of types of civilizations:

1. Planetary civilization grade 1 – any civilization before radio era (electromagnetic waves age).Most probably at any time in Milky Way there are at least 2,000 – 100,000 such civilizations (mostly extremely primitive).

2. Planetary civilization grade 2 – any civilization capable to use radio communications but not capable to control fission/fusion. Most probably at any time in Milky Way there are at least 1-2 such civilization.

3. Planetary civilization grade 3 – any civilization capable to build fission /fusion machines and vehicles. Most probably able to colonize its own solar system. Mankind is here – at the beginning of this era. At any moment at 4-5 galaxies like Andromeda exist at least 1 such civilization.

4. Inter-stellar civilization grade 1 – any civilization capable to travel up-to-speed of light out of its own solar system. At any moment at 400 galaxies like Andromeda exist at least 1 such civilization.

5. Inter-stellar civilization grade 2 – any civilization capable to travel among stars faster-to-speed of light by using primitive stable geon strings inside Q matter based to collectors of baryonic matter. This level also can be called “pre-galactic” stage. At any moment a medium size super-cluster of 100,000 galaxies can hold at least 1 such civilization.

6. Galactic civilization – any civilization capable to inspect / colonize  all solar systems inside a local galaxy by using geons Q “lasers”. Such kind of civilization for example can hear about another civilization in less than 20 years from the beginning of it radio-waves era and can hit and destroy the planets of that civilization even if from a distance of 100,000 light years by using Q “lasers” (***). At any moment a medium size galactic filament of 40 million galaxies can hold at least 1 such civilization.

7. Inter-galactic civilization grade 1 – any civilization capable to build gravitational collectors of Q matter and where all individuals are near immortal. At any moment in our Universe should exist at least one such civilization. Such civilizations are so advanced so they can keep and guide their own “zoo” of primitive civilizations. The aging of individuals at a millions of years scale is the most powerful barrier of expansion of such civilization in a medium size Universe (40-100 billion light years range).

8. Inter-galactic civilization grade 2 – any civilization capable to wrap locally the galactic Q matter and to generate a local controllable singularity event. Such civilization is so advanced we cannot realize when an individual of it is in front of us. The individuals of this civilization can take the shape of any known object or animal. At any moment in Meta-Universe should exist one kind of such civilization at 4-8 million Universes. Between this civilization and the previously one is the largest gap as effective numbers to due to extremely difficulty to handle the Q matter.

9. Universe civilization – a civilization capable to prevent or to survive to its local Universe collapse (filamentary Big-Bang of a Universe inside infinite Multi-Universes) and to pass from a Universe to another via adaptation to local physical laws and constants that describe the host Universe. Such kind of civilization can be a single entity/”mind”/”body” civilization holding inside billions of other individuals. If you want to call such civilization GOD … well… y can do it. At any moment in Meta-Universe should exist one kind of such civilization of at 1017 Universes.

10. Meta-Universe (Multi-Universes) civilization – any civilization capable to build its own Universe, capable easily to slip from one Universe to another, to manipulate endless dimensions of Q and baryonic matter and to create and shape the physical laws and constants of any new Universe. The individuals and structure of such civilization will be far beyond of any human understanding and/or imagination. The difference between us and them will be probably billion times larger than that one between us and ants. At any moment in Meta-Universe should exist one kind of such civilization of at 10108 Universes.  Always such civilization collapse because of disappearing of its continuum.

  • In the honour of “Troitsk Institute of Innovative and Thermonuclear Research” or TRINITY (Троицкий Институт инновационных и термоядерных исследований)

In this moment the most powerful impediment for mankind to evolve is the today set of mathematics laws. We have to jump out of today mathematics and anthropogenic view of Universe and to build a new set of tools of advance thinking.

*** – one such moment was so called Tunguska Event which happened in 30th of June 1908 immediately (6-7 years) after first long distance Marconi transatlantic transmissions from 1901-1902. Most probably was a just a warning sent as a feedback by an automatic alien system located very far away from Earth and alerted by a probe located initially somewhere between our solar system and Teegarden’s Star where is located the nearest planet with life.

Why a warning ? because 2 things probably was happened after this warning – either that civilizations decided to keep us under observation or something happened with them. If they decided to postpone a final and ultimate attack like Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event – well… this probably was happened because they saw immediately mankind entering in a very self-destructive global war and not once but twice – so they decided we have poor chances to survive and to advance as a civilization. Also probably the Chelyabinsk meteor event (Feb 2103) was also a warning but clearly mankind understood nothing about these two events . A warning after what event ? Of course after discovery of Higgs boson in July 2012 . Which means that civilization move closer their station of surveillance for faster alert and prompt feedback. Is not strange at all that both events occurred nearly in the same area and trajectories of “meteors” was nearly identical – that civilization probably considered that their “warnings” have the highest chances to be observed if they are shooting over the largest mass-land from Earth where they probably are considering is located the bulk of Earth civilization.

Regarding Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event is less probable about a rapid evolution of life but more probable the Earth was discovered by another civilization in expansion and they landed here. Of course with a lot of radio noise. The response of automatically surveillance system of the old watching civilization was very fast and very powerful. That means at that moment Earth was practically a meeting point of two civilizations = one young and dynamic and the second old and static. I don’t exclude at all that an automatic advanced galactic surveillance system of extraterrestrial life to survive even if to their creators. With other words is very possible that old civilization to be extinct long time ago but their machines still to work on sky.

We have to understand one very clear thing – in this mighty Universe the possibilities of life evolution and it parameters are practically …… ENDLESS.

For any civilization the worst scenario is to appear in it immediately proximity of an “explosive” civilization. What means this ? is about a very fast evolution of a civilization from nothing to a very advanced technologies including also Q matter understanding and manipulation. Very fast being from the perspective if the watching civilization faster than their own evolution. Is not completely unacceptable for example the individuals of very old and slow growing civilization to be able – after millions of year of life evolution – to handle radio wave communications without to know what means tools and even if to not know WHAT means radio waves . Like sharks from Earth planetary ocean or eels from Amazonia which are dealing with high power electrical discharges also is very possible somewhere deep in Universe a civilization to evolve different based to different rules of life evolution. For such civilization mankind evolution probably sounds extremely fast so some warnings was considered as necessary. Such strange civilizations can even fly among stars with sub-luminic speed just because either it individuals have a very very long life – of thousands of years for example – or for them is acceptable such timeline adventure. A Q “laser” or a machine like that can be built also by a civilization with a very slow advancing in Universe.

I’m saying again =

We have to jump out of today mathematics and anthropocentric view of Universe and to build a new set of tools of advance thinking.