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Dati-mi scanteia potrivita si va voi darui o stea !


Eu sunt Mihail, sunt roman si sunt economist de meserie, iar fizica nucleara este pasiunea mea. Acesta pasiune a inceput in Mai 2011 dupa ce am citit un articol stiintific al unui fizician rus – Evgheni Valentinovici Grabowski. Am inceput prin a studia citeva solutii tehnice privind amorsa unei reactii de fuziune nucleara fara initiatori fisionabili pentru ca treptat sa trec la aranjamente din ce in ce mai complicate. Multe din aceste lucrari sunt mai vechi – de exemplu primul design de foto-reactor dateaza din Octombrie 2012. Am considerat ca a venit timpul sa public o parte din solutiile mele si evident ca m-as bucura ca acestea sa se si materializeze in practica. Acest site isi doreste sa aduca pe cit se poate o modesta contributie la dezvoltarea fuziunii nucleare controlate si la descoperirea de noi elemente transuranice. Multe din ideile si solutiile sunt in stadiu de draft – pentru ca pur si simplu sunt foarte multe si pentru ca nu am avut niciodata timpul necesar sa dezvolt si sa prezint in mod complet toate aceste solutii !

Vei gasi pe acest site Proiectul BRINCOVEANU sau Proiectul Sferei Deschise – proiectul unui foto-reactor cu fuziune nucleara – o posibila solutie alternativa la o mare problema a zilelor noastre si anume ENERGIA ! De asemenea poti sa citesti despre un nou mod posibil de propulsie interplanetara – Proiectul GAGARIN. Zborul interstelar supra-luminic este de asemenea analizat si materializat intr-o posibila solutie practica – Proiectul ESENIN ! Geneza elementelor super-grele transuranice este de asemenea abordata !

Constient de anumite aspecte ale solutiilor mele am evitat cu grija prezentarea detaliilor care ar putea duce la solutii tehnice nedorite. Toate proiectele mele au in vedere urmatoarele – sa poata fi reproduse cu usurinta, sa fie cit mai simple cu putinta, sa fie ieftine, sa foloseasca materiale ce se gasesc usor ….. cu alte cuvinte sa poata fi realizate in Romania ! Ma bucur deasemenea ca acest site isi face aparitia odata cu preluarea Presedintei Consiliului Uniunii Europene de catre Romania fiind astfel inca o dovada ca romanii nu duc lipsa de idei inovatoare

In perioada 2011 – 2014 am studiat zeci de mii de articole de pe internet punind cap la cap cu migala si rabdare informatii de toate felurile pentru solutii tehnice realistice, posibil de realizat ! Cu meticulozitate si maxima atentie am studiat fiecare realizare tehnica a fiecarui laborator mai important al lumii ! Am analizat punctele slabe ale proiectelor, limitele lor si mai ales performantele acestora ! Am vazut ca se acorda o prea mare importanta capcanelor magnetice masive si scumpe precum si acceleratorelor electromagnetice de dimensiunea unei tari mai mici si prea putina atentie fuziunii de impact si mai ales capcanelor fotonice pentru inalta confinare a materiei ! Consider ca folosirea directa a unei particule elementare usor de manipulat este solutia fuziunii nucleare !

Cu alte cuvinte e vorba de o solutie anuntata de mai bine de 2.000 de ani – Lumina din lumina !

Am ales pentru proiectele si experimentele mele nume exotice si cum nume “tropicale” precum Bora-Bora au fost prea des utilizate am ales cea mai mare parte a denumirilor dintr-o zona ceva mai rece a lumii – Rusia. Am un respect deosebit pentru marele popor crestin ortodox de la Rasarit pe care il consider un popor prieten si nu dusman. Am ales deasemenea sa folosesc limba engleza pentru a fi inteles cit mai bine de toata lumea si pentru ca tot ce am invatat de unul singur a fost in engleza! Practic anumite fenomene si procese nici nu stiu sa le explic pe deplin in limba romana si oricum odata traduse mie mi se pare ca suna …..  cam ciudat! Cred cu tarie in destinul pasnic al umanitatii si in folosirea cu chibzuinta a fuziunii nucleare

Mihai – 2 Septembrie 2014

Give me the right spark and I’ll give you a star!


I am Mihail, I am a romanian, I am a trade economist, and nuclear physics is my hobby. This hobby began in May 2011 after reading a scientific article of a Russian physicist – Evgheni Valentinovici Grabowski. I started by studying some technical solutions on the priming of a nuclear fusion reaction without fissile initiators for gradually moving into more and more complicated arrangements. Many of these works are older – for example, the first photo-reactor design dates back to October 2012. I thought it was time to publish some of my solutions and obviously I would love to materialize in practice. This site wants to make a modest contribution to the development of controlled nuclear fusion and the discovery of new transuranic elements. Many of the ideas and solutions are in draft – because there are just a lot of them and because I have never had the time to develop and present all these solutions in full!

You will find on this site the BRINCOVEANU project or the Open Sphere Project – the project of a nuclear fusion photo-reactor – a possible alternative solution to a big problem of our day, namely ENERGY! You can also read about a new possible way of interplanetary propulsion – the GAGARIN Project. Over-luminous interstellar flight is also analyzed and materialized in a possible practical solution – the ESENIN Project! The genesis of super-heavy transuranic elements is also addressed!

Conscious of some aspects of my solutions, I cautiously avoided presenting details that could lead to undesirable technical solutions. All of my projects are designed to be easy to reproduce, to be as simple as possible, to be inexpensive, to use materials that are easy to find … in other words,  to be made in Romania! I am also glad that this site is coming up with the taking over of the President of the Council of the European Union by Romania being thus another proof that the Romanians do not lack the innovating ideas.

Between 2011 and 2014, I studied tens of thousands of articles on the Internet, with a shameful and persistent information of all kinds of realistic, technically possible solutions! With meticulousness and maximum attention, I studied every technical achievement of every major laboratory in the world! We analyzed the weaknesses of the projects, their limits and especially their performance! I have seen too much the importance of massive and expensive magnetic traps as well as electromagnetic accelerators of the size of a smaller country and too little attention to the impact fusion and especially the photonic traps for the high confinement of the matter! I consider that the direct use of an elementary element easy to handle is the solution of nuclear fusion!

In other words, it’s a well-known solution for more than 2,000 years – the Light coming from Light!

I chose exotic names for my projects and experiments, and as “tropical” names like Bora-Bora were too often used, I chose most of the names from a cold area of ​​the world – Russia. I have a special respect for the great Orthodox Christian people from East which I consider a friendly people and not an enemy. I also chose to use English to get the best understanding of everyone and because everything I learned alone was in English! Practically, some phenomena and processes do not even know how to fully explain them in Romanian and anyway once I translated it seems to me … it sounds … strange! I strongly believe in the peaceful destiny of humanity and in the fictional use of nuclear fusion!

Mihail – 2th of September 2014